
Testosterone Therapy’s Heart Risks Under Scrutiny

An increasing number of men are turning to testosterone treatments to help mitigate some conditions including fatigue, low libido, muscle loss or irritability. While some doctors are promoting these treatments to combat some of the side effects of aging, users should consider the potential risks of hormone therapy treatment. According to a recent statement made by the Endocrine Society, testosterone therapy to treat “low T” can carry serious risks, including heart attack.

Those who are proscribed medication to treat certain ailments trust their doctors as well as the government and pharmaceutical companies to ensure that drugs are safe. Unfortunately, many of these patients will discover too late that their drug treatment and therapy caused bodily harm that could have been prevented with proper testing and warnings. Our personal injury attorneys in Massachusetts are dedicated to helping patients recover compensation for injuries caused by dangerous drugs. We understand the complications and challenges with pharmaceutical litigation and can effectively protect the interests of patients and their loved ones.

Drug companies have been touting the benefits of testosterone to treat a number of conditions that are associated with aging. While “low T” is an actual condition that can improve with testosterone therapies, many patients have been given these drugs without proper diagnosis. The FDA has only approved testosterone therapy drugs for patients who have been diagnosed with hypogonadism, a condition whereby the testicles do not produce enough of the hormone. Other patients who have been proscribed the drug without a diagnosed medical condition could be put at risk without understanding the dangers or potential complications.

According to authors of the study, the natural reduction of testosterone with age should not be treated with testosterone therapy. Men who have lower testosterone levels with age, however, have been proscribed these medications without a proper diagnosis and FDA approval. Reuters recently reported that the majority of men taking testosterone therapy do not have unusual levels of testosterone for their age. One of the reasons that the drugs continue to be promoted is that they are commercially successful and have a market value that spiked from $20 million in 1988 to $2.2 billion in 2013.

The Endocrine Society is cautioning against the broad and unfettered use of testosterone therapies until additional testing can be completed. The FDA is also investigating the risk of strokes, heart attacks and early death in men who have been proscribed testosterone therapies. There has been similar hype and injuries associated with hormonal treatment for women to combat the effects of aging. Patients should understand that the risks may outweigh the benefits. Doctors should also raise awareness and educate patients, especially where there has been a lack of testing and solid information on the use of hormone treatments.

Men with heart conditions should be especially careful when considering testosterone therapies. If you or someone you love has suffered an injury or heart condition since taking testosterone drugs, consult with an experienced advocate as soon as possible. You and your family may be entitled to significant compensation for medical complications and other losses associated with testosterone replacement therapy.

Call Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential appointment — (617) 777-7777.

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