
Knee Replacements Rise with Rates of Obesity

Knee replacement surgeries are on the rise, even in younger patients. New research suggests the number of knee replacements is parallel to the rising rate of obesity. Analysts report that the demand for the surgery is increasing, almost parallel with the rates of the overweight and obese in Boston and throughout the United States. According to the study, 95% of individuals who are in-line for or considering knee replacements have associated weight problems. This spike in knee replacement surgery for the obese and among young people has created the potential for defective replacements and the need for additional surgeries.

While doctors and experts may advise patients to seek knee replacements, patients should be aware of the potential risks associated with knee replacement products. Our Boston defective medical device attorneys are experienced in representing individuals who have suffered harm resulting from defective knee products. In addition to providing advocacy to our clients, we are committed to staying abreast of research, trends, and legal developments related to knee replacement products.

According to researchers, the rate of knee replacements is actually outpacing hip replacements. Doctors, surgeons, and other medical professionals have linked the growing rate of knee replacements to the climbing rates of obesity in the United States. Orthopedists also project that the number of knee replacements will continue to rise with the growing number of obese individuals. Analysts reviewed 10 years of documentation on knee and hip replacements, finding that the rate of total knee replacements increased by 300% between 1993 and 2009.

In addition to reviewing the rates of the surgery, doctors also looked at potential complications with the products. Researchers analyzed the number of procedures, how long patients were in the hospital, the number of deaths related to the surgery, and the associated complications. Data indicated that knee replacements were significantly more common among patients who were overweight.

The study was published this month in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.

As the rates of obesity rise among young people, the rates of knee replacements are expected to increase as well. Individuals who are considering knee replacements should consider the potential complications that have arisen with implants. Those who have suffered from knee replacement surgery complications should consult with an experienced attorney to protect their rights and interests. Victims of knee replacement surgery replacement may be entitled to compensation.

Obesity is known to cause significant strain on joints and bones, including knees and hips. Excess weight and tension can create problems with mobility and joint function later in life. According to the authors of the study, excess body weight is more damaging to the knee joint that to the hips, giving rise to more knee replacements. The rise in obesity is also likely creating a greater demand for knee replacements. Over the next decade, it is likely that these knee replacement surgeries could also result in additional complications and repeat surgeries for patients.

Contact Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential appointment — (617) 777-7777.

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